Speakers Portraits > Clément Astruc


Clément Astruc

Clément Astruc holds a PhD in History (Sorbonne Nouvelle University, CREDA UMR 7227), is an associate professor of history-geography at Lycée Colbert, and a part-time lecturer at the IEP of Lyon. His research lies at the intersection of Brazilian history, sports history, and transatlantic cultural relations. In 2022, he defended a thesis entitled: "Football, Ambassador of Brazil? An International Projection through Sports (1945-1974)".


Recent publications:
« Pelé et le monde », Transatlantic Cultures, avril 2022

“Beyond the Maracanazo: the World Cup, diplomacy and the international exposure of Brazilian football in 1950”, Soccer&Society, vol. 21, issue 8, 2020, p. 861-875.

« Une victoire opportune. La Coupe du monde 1970 et l’image du Brésil à l’étranger », Monde(s). Histoire, espaces, relations, n°15, mai 2019, p. 195-212


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