Speakers Portraits > Lucie Hémeury


Lucie Hémeury

Lucie Hémeury holds a PhD in contemporary history (CREDA, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) with a thesis on the sports policy of the Peronist regime. As a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sports Sciences of the University of Lausanne, her research focuses on the history of sports in Argentinasports diplomacy and the social history of international sports leaders and institutions. She recently contributed to the collective book Latin American Sport Media (Palgrave MacMillan, 2023) and to the dossier Sports actors and international relations in the journal Relations Internationales.


🎙️ You can listen to it in episode 6 of La Panaméricaine podcast Sport and politic.



Lucie Hémeury, « Les sportifs argentins, « meilleurs ambassadeurs de la Nueva Argentina » (1946-1955) », Relations internationales, vol. 195, no. 3, 2023, pp. 69-84.

Lucie Hémeury will speak during the coffee-debate “Sport and international projection: Latin America as a laboratory for analysis?”.
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