Speakers Portraits > Vanni Pettinà


Vanni Pettinà

Vanni Pettinà is an Associate Professor of History and Institutions of the Americas at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the Complutense University of Madrid-Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset. For ten years, he was a professor of International History of the Americas at El Colegio de México. He has been a predoctoral researcher at the Institute of History of the CCHS of the CSIC (Madrid), a John W. Kluge postdoctoral Fellow at the Library of Congress, and an Edmundo O’Gorman Fellow at ILAS-Columbia University. Dr. Pettinà's research focuses on the contemporary and international history of Latin America, with particular attention to the impact of the Cold War on political, economic, and social change in the region. Within this framework, his studies have concentrated on Cuba and Mexico, inter-American relations, and the history of US foreign policy towards the region. Along with Rafael Rojas, he has been the editor of the series "Las Encrucijadas de América Latina" published by the newspaper El País.


Recent publications:

Vanni Pettinà, “La política exterior anti-hegemónica de México y el Chile de Allende (1970-1973). El éxito del ‘no-fracaso’”, en Un golpe global. La experiencia autoritaria chilena en el mundo, editado por Marcelo Casals y Mariana Perry (Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones, 2024).

Vanni Pettinà, Rafael Ioris, “Debating Latin America's Cold War: A vision from the south”, History Compass, Volume 21, Issue2, February 2023, pp. 1-9.

Vanni Pettinà, A Compact History of Latin America’s Cold War (University of North Carolina Press, 2022).

Thomas Field Jr., Stella Krepp, and Vanni Pettinà (eds.), Latin America and The Global Cold War (Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press 2020).

Vanni Pettinà, “Tractors of Discord: Mexican-Soviet Encounters in the early 1960s”, in Thomas C. Field Jr., Stella Krepp, and Vanni Pettinà (eds.), Latin America and the Global Cold War (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2020), pp. 73-99.


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