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"The Isthmus of Panama at the heart of inter-American and Euro-American relations: cultural transfers and geopolitical reconfigurations at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries"


This meeting with David Marcilhacy, specialist in the history of the Isthmus of Panama, took the form of an entertainment lasting around thirty minutes. The author of our present is the latest book published by Atlande, as well as the one to be published soon by Editions de l'IHEAL. A time for discussion will then be open to the public.

Indeed, the Isthmus of Panama, far from being a neutral geographical space, is characterized by its geostrategic location: constituting a bridge between North America and South America and allowing the creation of solid communication networks, this territory occupies. a position which, since the early days of colonization, has placed it at the heart of inter-American and Euro-American relations. A small country, in short, at the heart of global issues affecting the great (post)imperial powers and the geopolitical and cultural reconfiguration of the turning points of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Anaïs Vidal-Jaumary [USN, CREDA]

Samuel Poyard [EHESS]

David Marcilhacy [Sorbonne Université, CRIMIC]



David Marcilhacy, El istmo de Panamá, un puente entre Europa y las Américas 1879-1936, Altande; Clefs-Concours, 2023 

David Marcilhacy, Panama « panaméricain ». Le Centenaire bolivarien de 1926, Editions de l'IHEAL, à paraître à l'automne 2024

Replay L’isthme de Panama, un pont entre l’Europe et les Amériques (1879-1936), 3rd session of the Trans-American Perspectives 2023-2024 seminar, Institute of the Americas, December 5, 2023
· Diapositiva de la sesión: L’isthme de Panama, un pont entre l’Europe et les Amériques (1879-1936)


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