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Flores Giorgini 

Flores Giorgini is currently a Ph.D. student in history at Sorbonne Nouvelle under a joint supervision agreement with the University of São Paulo in Brazil. After obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, he continued his education at the Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America (IHEAL-USN), specializing in Latin America, with a focus on Brazil. His doctoral research revolves around the intellectual history of Brazil during the Afro-Asian decolonization period, particularly examining the emergence of the Third World on the international stage from the perspective of Brazilian intellectuals. The objective of this work is to analyze Brazilian discussions accompanying the reorganization of (inter)national identities around the "three worlds, one planet" framework during the Cold War.

Flores Giorgini is currently a member of the Center for Research and Documentation on the Americas (CREDA-UMR7227), a member of the research laboratory "Repensando o desenvolvimento" at the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB-USP), and part of the editorial committee of the scientific journal Traits-d’Union. In recent years, he has written, among other things, an article on the circulation of Brazilian "Dependency Theory" between Latin America, Africa, and Europe (to be published). He also co-organized an international symposium on this intellectual movement in commemoration of the bicentennial of Brazilian Independence in 2022.

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