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Santiago Giraldo Arango

Santiago Giraldo Arango completed his undergraduate studies at the Poitiers campus of Sciences Po Paris and later obtained a Master degree in History at the Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America (IHEAL-USN). He specializes on the period of Colombian history known as La Violencia (1945-1965), which he explores through the lens of microhistory.

Currently a PhD candidate, his doctoral dissertation is titled Armero’s torment. A microhistory of the Colombian revolution of 1948. It documents the events taking place in the cities of Armero and Mariquita during a crucial period that follows the death of Liberal politician Jorge Eliécer Gaitán. His research further explores the alleys laid down by Gonzalo Sánchez, who in the 1980s showed that the revolt commonly known as the Bogotazo had actually been a national insurrection that showed the masses’ potential for revolutionary action. This thesis focuses on violent events during the 9th and the 20th of April, days during which the revolutionaries are constantly looking for scapegoats capable of being blamed for the conspiracies that seem to loom around in the air. The death of the catholic priest Pedro María Ramírez Ramos, killed by machete by his own parishioners, is one of the main events analyzed in his work, opening the way for a deeper foray into the microhistory of violent events in the context of a revolutionary civil war.

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