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Anaïs Vidal-Jaumary

She holds a Bachelor's degree in History and Master's 1 in Modern History from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, supervised by Gregorio Salinero, and a Master's 2 in Contemporary History from the Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America (IHEAL-USN), supervised by Olivier Compagnon. Anaïs Vidal-Jaumary began her PhD at the CREDA (UMR 7227, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle/CNRS) in 2018.

After working on the recourse to justice of the Indian populations in the 17th century, her second Master’s thesis continued her focus on Peruvian history, specifically the Peruvian War of Emancipation.

The beginning of the 19th century and the independence of Peru thus became the main focus of her research, analyzing the different narratives developed around the Bicentenary. The changes imposed by the Covid crisis in the Bicentenary program led to a reorientation of her research, and in 2022 it turned into a comparative history of the commemorations of Peruvian independence since 1821, marked by certain jubilees: the Centenary, the Sesquicentennial, and the Bicentenary.

Her PhD thesis, entitled 'Celebrating Independence: 200 years of commemorations in Peru', is directed by Christophe Giudicelli, associated with CREDA, a member of Mondes Américains (UMR 8168) and the CLEA (EA 4083) Sorbonne University, and also receives guidance from Jesús Cosamalón Aguilar, director of the Maestría in History at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) of Lima, and visiting professor at the IHEAL in 2024.

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