Speakers Portraits > Mariana Villaça


Mariana Villaça 

Mariana Villaça is a professor of American History at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) since 2009. She holds a Ph.D. and postdoctoral grant in History from the University of São Paulo (USP). She coordinates the Laboratory of Research in the History of the Americas (LAPHA) at UNIFESP. She is part of the Laboratory of Studies in the History of the Americas at the University of São Paulo and the research groups CNPq "Platform for Reflection on Latin American Audiovisuals" (Federal Fluminense University) and "History and Audiovisual: circularities and forms of communication" (University of São Paulo). She is the author of "Cinema Cubano: revolution and cultural politics" (Alameda, 2010), "Tropical Polyphony: experimentalism and engagement in popular music - Brazil and Cuba, 1967-1972" (Humanitas, 2004), among other works. She collaborated with the Transatlantic Cultures platform; participated in the collective research project on the Latin American Newsreel ICAIC, 1960-1990 (CRIMIC-Sorbonne/INA/ICAIC) and currently participates in the collective project "Audiovisual, history, and preservation: the place of Brazilian newsreels and news reports in the construction of memory (1946-1974)", developed at the Brazilian Cinematheque / USP. Her most recent research in the field of American History covers the following topics: Cuban revolution; Cuban cinema and newsreels; cultural policies in Latin America; Uruguayan cinema in the 1960s; Brazilian news reports (TV Tupi, 1960s and 1970s).


Mariana Villaça speaks in table 4 "Culture, imagination and international relations".


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