Conferences > 🍴 Tastin-Conference · Gastro-diplomacy, a new vector of international integration in Latin America?


Gastro-diplomacy, a new vector of international
integration in Latin America?

The Peruvian example


In recent years, gastronomy has become a key asset in exporting the image of certain countries internationally. The Latin American continent is no exception to this trend and has been able to put in place real communication and export strategies for its gastronomy, its food products and at the same time its culture and therefore its image abroad. Like other countries, Peru has even developed its “country brand”, the Marca Perú.

In this context, and with the gracious participation of the Peruvian Embassy in France, we cordially invite you to engage in a dialogue with key figures in the Peruvian gastronomy scene in France. These individuals, as the beating-heart of gastronomic diplomacy, play a pivotal role in advancing understanding of Andean cuisine and culture.

To understand the importance of gastronomy and the dimension of this new vector of international relations, they will discuss with a researcher specializing in this subject of study. The discussion will then be open to the public.


Anaïs Vidal-Jaumary [USN, CREDA]


Daniel Montoya

Lourdes Pluvinage [El Picaflor]

Pierre Raffard [ILERI]




The Peruvian Ambassador to France, Rolando Ruiz-Rosas, will do us the honor of concluding this discussion around gastro-diplomacy and the place of gastronomy in Peru's cultural and foreign policy.


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