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Elodie Lenoël

Elodie Lenoël is currently a PhD candidate in contemporary history at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University. After a pluridisciplinary Bachelor degree, she entered the Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America (IHEAL-USN)’s master to specialize in research and Latin America. Continuing her master’s work, she is actually writing a PhD thesis about Ecuador and the First World War, analyzing the diplomatic and cultural international relations while evaluating the Andean country’s insertion in the global chronology. The international relations’ history of Latin America and particularly the cultural international relations are at the center of her interests.

Elodie Lenoël is currently a member of the Center for Research and Documentation on the Americas (CREDA-UMR7227) and a member of the junior researcher’s group Une Plus Grande Guerre. In recent years, she has written, among other things, an article in the Argentinian review Historia & Guerra about the war chronicle of an Ecuadorian intellectual. Her master thesis received the Jean-Baptiste Duroselle’s prize of the best master thesis on international relations history in December 2017.


She is in charge of the Table 1 "International organizations and reconfigurations of multilateralism".


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