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Manuel Suzarte

Manuel Suzarte, Ph.D. in History from the University Sorbonne Nouvelle, began his undergraduate studies in Chile before joining the Master's program in Latin American Studies at the Institute of Higher Studies of Latin America (IHEAL) in 2014. In 2016, he started his doctoral studies, and in 2023, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled "From burning a flag to carrying one: U.S. cultural diplomacy and Chilean university students: educational and leader exchanges during the cultural Cold War (1954-1973)." In this work, he examined the deployment of U.S. cultural diplomacy in Chilean universities and their students during the 1950s and 1960s.

His current research interests focus on the participation of Latin American students in international student organizations during the Cold War, notably the International Union of Students and the International Student Conference. Currently, he serves as a lecturer at IHEAL's Master's program in Latin American Studies.


Manuel Suzarte is in charge of table 3 "Thinking about cultural diplomacy in Latin America" and the conference "The mediators between Africa and Latin America".


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